Adam’s Sweet Agony [Modaete yo, Adam-kun] Where to Read?

Adam’s Sweet Agony is the English Name of Japanese Anime Series Modaete yo, Adam-kun. Released in December 2023, this anime tells the story of Itsuki, a high school boy who becomes the sole exception to a pandemic that renders all men impotent. He navigates a unique life at an all-girls school, surrounded by female attention and facing the burden of his secret.

adam's sweet agony

This is the story of a boy who became the lone Adam among four billion Eves. In a world where a pandemic has rendered all men impotent, high school student Itsuki is the sole exception. In order to protect this secret, he transfers to a very special high school, which turns out to be composed 90% of girls!

There, he encounters an upbeat and friendly senior, a sexually frustrated female teacher, a tomboyish school “prince,” and an heiress from a wealthy family. For Itsuki, who has his pick of any woman in the world, the question remains: which one will he choose?

Adam’s Sweet Agony Anime –

Title: Adam’s Sweet Agony (English)
Alternate Title: Modaete yo, Adam-kun (Japanese)
Type: Manga/Anime
Publisher: Coolmic

You can Read Adam’s Sweet Agony Complete Anime Series on Coolmic Platform. Adam’s Sweet Agony or Modaete yo, Adam-kun is also available to watch in a Video Episodic Format on coolmic platform. New Episode releasing every sunday.

Full Movie Download

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