This is the story of a boy, who became the lone Adam among four billion Eves. Set in a world where all of humanity has become impotent due to the aftereffects of a pandemic, it depicts male high school student Kazuki, the only human with a healthy lower half, living a throbbing harem life surrounded by kind, friendly upperclassmen, unsatisfied female teachers, the academy’s prince, an affluent family’s young lady, and other girls in an academy full of women.
In a world where a pandemic has rendered all men impotent, high school student Itsuki is the exception who escaped it. In order to protect this secret, he transfers to a very special high school, which turns out to be composed of 90% girls!
There, he encounters an upbeat and friendly senior, a frustrated female teacher, a tomboyish school ‘prince,’ and an heiress from a wealthy family. For Itsuki, who has his pick of any woman in the world, the question remains: which one will he choose?
Full Episode 1 to Episode 4: Download
Title: Adam’s Sweet Agony
Japanese Title: Modaete yo, Adam-kun
Type: Anime Series
Publisher: Coolmic
Adam’s Sweet Agony Episodes are available to Stream online on Coolmic Platform and you can Watch Full Episodes Streaming by Unlocking Episodes. If you wants to read Complete Novel Modaete yo, Adam-kun from where Adam’s Sweet Agony adapted into an Anime Series, you can also read it from coolmic platform.