Faking It With Damian Black Novel Chapter 5


-MILLIE-The music, the buzz, and the chatter were drowned out by thuddling inside my chest. My heartbeat was loud, louder than the alcohol droning in my head. I am suddenly very aware that Lam kissing Damian freaking Black, Candice’s hot stepbrother.I pulled away, reality dawning on me. Like the deepest part of the forest after … Read more

Faking It With Damian Black Novel Chapter 4


-DAMIAN-“Refill, boss?” Greg, the bartender, offered.I pushed my glass and nodded, thanking him.I was seated at the bar of Black Hotel’s ballroom with three of my best friends, Charlie, Matt, and Luke, Charlie was here as his girlfriend’s plus one in my stepsister’s batch’s reunion night, while Luke and Matt were just gate crashing. Too … Read more

Faking It With Damian Black Novel Chapter 3


-MILLIE-“Have a nice evening, Miss,” the elderly cabby smiled at me through the rearview mirror.“I sure hope, sir.” I murmured, slurring each syllable.I’d like to consider myself a bit tipsy, but who was I kidding? I was borderline drunk after drinking nine glasses of wine at home. There’s an extremely unhealthy bond between alcohol and … Read more