Faking It With Damian Black Novel Chapter 29


-DAMIAN-“Okay. Tell me what you did to Millicent,” Nancy cornered me halfway through this surprise engagement party she had planned for Millicent and me. Thank fuck she didn’t go all out and invited more people than our inner circle. My friends were here: Luke, Matt, Charlie, Madeline, and Savannah. She also invited my cousins, aunt, … Read more

Faking It With Damian Black Novel Chapter 28


-DAMIAN-“boss?” Danny’s voice cut through my train of thought. I slid my eyes from the window, locking with Danny’s curious one in the rearview mirror. “We’re here,” he murmured, a crease wrinkling the space between his eyebrows. We slid out of the car and crossed the tarmac to the company jet. “Something on your mind?” … Read more

Faking It With Damian Black Novel Chapter 27


-DAMIAN-Once the door closed, I backed Millicent up to the door, pressed my mouth on hers, a ravenous man tasting his first meal after a long period of starvation. Millicent made a surprised ump sound, thrusting her fingers through my hair. I took that as permission and shamelessly poured everything that had been swirling inside … Read more

Faking It With Damian Black Novel Chapter 24


-DAMIAN-Emotional women turned me off, but an emotional Millicent turned my body into a wood-burning furnace. She struggled against my hold, slamming her fist on my chest in protest. I grabbed her waist, yanking her tighter against me, cutting off whatever angry words she was about to spit. She wouldn’t respond to my kisses when … Read more