Rick and Morty season 7 is an Adult Animated American TV Series Started on 15th October 2023. It has 10 Episodes and Last Episode 10 titled “Fear No Mort” aired on 17th December 2023. Here is rick and morty season 7 episode 10 Watch Online available to you.
Rick and Morty, having braved countless experiences, discover a seeming immunity to fear and surprise. Their world takes a twisted turn when a suited man propositions them with a genuinely terrifying encounter – a “Fear Hole” nestled within a Denny’s bathroom. Morty, seeking to confront his fears, plunges in, only for Rick to follow, battling monsters to rescue him.
Upon their return home, an alternate Rick delivers a still-living Dianne to the Smiths before meeting his demise. Bewildered, Rick and Morty realize they’re trapped in the perpetual loop of the Fear Hole. Despite numerous attempts to escape, they remain ensnared. During one escape bid, Rick casually remarks on Morty’s irreplaceability, triggering Morty’s realization that he’s not interacting with the authentic Rick.
Morty grapples with the revelation that his deepest fear is Rick abandoning him. Once he confronts and conquers this fear, he breaks free from the clutches of the Fear Hole. Meanwhile, Rick contemplates diving back in upon learning about Dianne but ultimately resists, leaving behind a picture of Morty as a tribute to his triumph over the Fear Hole.
rick and morty season 7 episode 10 Watch Online
rick and morty season 7 episode 10