Infect me with your love Novel Chapter 7

Two whole days passed, and Jacob didn’t set foot in school again. How was I supposed to show off my relationship with him when I didn’t even know where the hell he was? I was tired of having to smile and pretend everything was fine while Lexie and Chris publicly displayed their affection, mocking me.


A part of me knew they were doing it on purpose. Every time I walked near them, they would start kissing or saying sweet things to each other, but as soon as I walked away, they would stop immediately. They just wanted to annoy me.

“Hey Megan, is it true that Jacob hasn’t shown up at school because he joined the Russian mafia?” Lisa asked me as we walked through the main hallway.
Russian mafia?

“I heard that the guys who sell him drugs beat him up,” Vicky whispered.
Guys who sell drugs?

I shook my head and let out a nervous laugh. Where were all these rumors coming from? I couldn’t imagine anyone being so bored with their life to make up such ridiculous things.

“No, those are just rumors-or at least, I hope they are. Jacob is sick. He has a high fever and has been lying in bed.” “Oh…” the three girls exclaimed with disappointment.
“Is he just sick?” Lisa inquired. I nodded. “So, even bad boys

get sick…”
“Yes, but I’m taking care of him myself.”

“Really?” Lisa said. “Since you’re his personal nurse, have you thought about buying one of those sexy nurse outfits?” I almost grimaced but forced myself to smile.

“Well, actually, we’ve done things like that before,” I said, hoping God would forgive me for telling so many lies. “We like to do role-play sometimes.”

“Whoa, I never imagined Jacob would be into that kind of thing,” Vicky commented.
“Jacob is very different when he’s with me. It’s a part of him that he only shows to me.”
Lisa and Marisa looked at me as if they were completely enamored with my fake love story with Jacob, while

Vicky just forced a smile. When the last class of the day ended, I decided it was time to carry out what I had been planning since that morning.

Today, I would pay Jacob Cross an unexpected visit.

“Okay, girls, you’ll have to go without me. I need to talk to Principal Presley about something.”
“About the student council?” Marisa asked, tying her blonde hair into a ponytail.

“The principal is so hot,” Lisa commented. “I mean, have you seen the size of his feet?”
“Liz!” Marisa, Vicky, and I exclaimed.

“Relax, I’m just kidding,” she said, laughing. “Although it’s true that he has big feet…”
“See you tomorrow for practice before the game,” I muttered, saying goodbye to them.

After the three girls left the building, I adjusted my
backpack on my shoulder and headed to Principal Presley’s office, hoping to find him still there. If not, my whole plan would go straight into the trash. Fortunately, when I arrived at the office, I found him getting ready to leave.

“Miss Russell,” he greeted me with a smile when he saw me. “What can I do for you?”
“Principal Presley, I’m… I’m a bit worried about Jacob since he hasn’t shown up at school these past few days, and, well, I thought it would be a good idea to bring him my notes on… what we’ve been covering in class.”

I hated myself for stuttering so much. But it seemed to please him.
“That sounds like an excellent idea.”
“Except there’s a little problem. I don’t know his address. The principal furrowed his brow and then tilted his head. “You don’t know where he lives?”

“No. Jacob hasn’t wanted to take me to his house yet. He wants us to take things slow.”
My face was very, very warm.

“Well, I didn’t expect that from him,” he said, adjusting his glasses and smiling. “It’s good to know he’s being a gentleman with you.”

The fact is, his criminal brother scammed me, I thought. “Yes…”

He smiled and opened his executive briefcase to search for something inside. After rummaging around in his
belongings for a bit, he pulled out a slightly crumpled piece of paper and handed it to me.

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“This is his apartment address. I’ve been there a couple of times, so my duty is to warn you that you might not find it a very pleasant place.”

“What do you mean by that?” I asked, confused.

“You’ll understand when you see it for yourself,” he said, glancing at the time on his silver watch and making a face. “Well, I have some matters to attend to. If you’ll excuse me…” “Oh, of course. Thank you for the address.”

“You’re welcome.”

After Principal Presley left, I looked at the piece of paper and furrowed my brow. Why had he given me that warning? How bad could Jacob’s place really be?

When Hank stopped the car in front of an old and rundown building, my jaw was close to hitting the ground. What kind of place was this? The whole building was practically in ruins. The walls were covered in graffiti, the windows were dirty or broken, there was trash everywhere, and even the fences around the place were rusty.

As I got out of the car, I received the gaze of a group of guys chatting nearby, who immediately smiled and whispered something to each other.
“I’ll call you when I want you to pick me up,” I told Hank.

“Is it okay to leave you in a place like this?” he asked, looking very serious and concerned.
“Yes, don’t worry.”

After a long silence, Hank nodded and started the car’s engine, although he didn’t leave right away. He waited a couple of minutes, watching to make sure I entered the building.
Once inside what seemed to be the reception area, I found a girl about my age on the other side of the counter, reading a gossip magazine. Her hair was short and green, and she had some piercings on her face.

She was wearing a tight purple top that accentuated her ample chest.
I cleared my throat to get her attention.
“Hello,” I greeted her.

“Lost, are you?” she asked upon seeing my uniform. I forced a smile onto my lips.
“Not really. I’m looking for someone.”

She blew a bubble with her chewing gum, inflating it until it popped into her mouth. She tilted her head slightly and pursed her lips.
“Oh yeah? Who are you looking for?”

“Jacob, Jacob Cross.”
A huge, wicked smile spread across her face.

“So, you’re that girl Jacob and Zoe broke up over?” She shook her head as if trying not to laugh. “I had no idea Jacob liked pretty girls like you.”

“Do you know where I can find him?” I asked.
She nodded.
“Fifth floor, room twenty-six.”
“Thank you.”

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